እንቛዕ ብደሓም መጻእኹም ናብ ናይ ኤርትራ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ርእሰ ኣድባራት ጽርሃ ኣርያም ቅድስቲ ድንግል ማርያም ኦስሎ ኖርወይ: ቤተክርስትያን ዝኸፈተሉ ሳዓታት ዓርቢ ካብ 16-20 ሰምበት 06-14 ክፉት እዩ ብደሐን ምጹ-ምጻ

Sunday school


Sunday school

Children are the love of the Orthodox Church.
Today we have started with some children’s programs in the church life, the church’s activities. Children are our next generation to follow and inherit in our faith community. Children can take quite a lot with them and learn to lead. Every Sunday we have a children’s program in our congregation about church life and Christianity. We will expand the business when it comes to children and work with it further in the future. The church is open, you can visit us between 06-14 on Sundays, or contact us here for more information.

Why should you become a member?
For the congregation, it is important that you are registered as a member. This is because all religious communities in Norway receive state and municipal support for their activities depending on the number of members. The activities of the Eritrean Orthodox Church in Oslo also receive support through public municipal support in exactly the same way as other denominations and voluntary donations from the believers and members.

To run our business, we unfortunately also need the support of you. As of today, we are not able to run the congregation with only public support, we ask all our members to understand this. All members of the Eritrean congregation receive a membership fee once a year. Would you like to become a member of the congregation? sign up here Registration form or for association your can also contact us here.

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Eritrean St.mary coptic tewahdo orthodox church Oslo Norway

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